The Ridge part 2
Another bright morning, another perfect day for scrambling on Skye, we stuffed in the porridge and double brew. A little weary but satisfied that, so far at least, all was perhaps not exactly going to plan, but was going as well as we’d hoped. In some ways day 2 was less memorable, partly because we were suffering from 3 poor night’s sleep but more because the ridge just carries on going. That could sound like I’m talking it down and making it sound monotonous, no way; the northern end is no less challenging, in fact we found some of the route-finding trickier. However, without the high summit of Alasdair and the excitement of the Inn Pinn, the day blurred into a long period of scrambling over terrain that mostly wasn’t too technical, but the seriousness of the route meant each step still demanded care and every small mistake could cost you time or something worse. So I can tell you that we continued to pick off the munro peaks and we attempted to climb Bhastier tooth but couldn’t find...